Saturday, December 17, 2016

Book Review_Corporate Chanakya

A good book to read...
Our own management Guru Chanakya's thoughts blended with day to day examples makes it very much relevant.
Simple changes to the working style can lead to good results.
Chanakya was master politician and the more I am getting to know, I am much more interested to read his own work.

Some of the interesting quotes:

So many people imagine themselves to be hard-working, sincere and ‘active’ — without understanding whether this is a fact, or a figment of their imagination. You do not become active if you are just running around and working

It is only a good student who will become a good teacher. After all, only a good subordinate will ultimately become a good boss

Most of the external threats to organisations stem from ‘internal’ insecurities felt by their own people

A golden rule in business is, think twice before you speak. Even a tailor is advised during his apprenticeship, “Measure twice, but cut once

Business is not a one-time deal, but a collection of deals over a period of time which makes the business successful. Hence, understanding the requirements of people around you is a continuous process

There are three ways of getting work done from your subordinates — instigation, motivation, and inspiration. Instigation is the way terrorists are made to work. Motivation involves incentives and promotions, whereas inspiration comes from within the self, which is eternal and everlasting

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