In todays so called professional world where blood relations are turning professional. I am experiencing a professional relation where care is being taken like blood relation or even more than that.
My colleague (for future ref he will be X) who is also in the above mentioned category of let us say professional blood relations, was on 3 weeks leave for some personal work. He is as good as a native of Jamshedpur being born and brought up in a small town nearby Jamshedpur and rest of life he has been working in TATA steel.
My boss (for future ref he will be Y) who is head and heads the above mentioned professional blood relation category also. A brief about him, spent his all life in TATA steel. His total work experience is more than my current age. So with this much of background, we resume the real story.
And my reference will be Z.
So as mentioned above X was on leave for some other purpose. Unfortunately his father had to be admitted to TMH (TATA Main Hopital, a medical service run by TATA note at bottom for details) for complaint of chest pain. This disturbed X ; incidently X is called by Y for some work to office as he knew that X is in town only. After coming to office X tells this to Y. Immediately Y asks him in detail and asks to sit and cool down. He listens to whole problem with full attention. Tells him you don’t worry about pending work, Z will take care of it. You go and take care of your personal front. X having never been in such situation seemed to Y a bit confused so he himself suggests what to do and all.
TMH doctors do ECG and say angioplasty will be required and Jamshedpur does not have the facility so patient needs to be taken to Kolkata. Y discusses with X and suggests for new pvt hospital in Jamshedpur. With utmost concern he listens and suggests to X.
Next day patient experiences severe chest pain, suspecting it as symptoms of heart attack doctors start preventive medication. Because of this X becomes more tense and stressed. Y himself tells to his boss and lines up for a specialist visit to Xs father for a better check-up. He does this on his own without any request from Y. In the evening Y asks Z to come to hospital as he is going there, meets Xs father and rechecks follow up line up with his boss.
Hope fully the doc will visit and give some concrete diagnosis. Praying Xs father regains his health, even though heart trouble being permanent , he will have to take medication daily.
Y has been helpful to Z also in many aspects and that to on his own.
In this todays world where people are not willing to help even if they are asked to. Here is an exception. I am not able to understand what to say about this.
सही में सही हैं ना बॉस ..............
It is really true, “Respect can’t be asked, it has to be earned.”
Small note on TMH:
It is TATA main hospital run by TATA for its employees but in a state like Jharkand and that too at TATAs central node, it was opened to all residents. So looking at small statistics 40000 employees of TATA and their family members avg at 4 making it 1.6 lac and say minimum 1.5 lac others. Thus TMH a 1000 bed hospital serves to 3 lac people in and around Jamshedpur. And you will be wondering about the next fact that there is nothing better than this at least within 90 Kms of radius. Here a doctor said in front of me that he has to see 78 patients more (in context of time given to a paitent). This is even though doctors here work in shifts.
Even though being managed by TATA still Dr/ patient ratio is not good and it can’t be improved as you can imagine young dr.s coming to a place called Jamshedpur which does not have even a multiplex (an example of minimum luxury statement, but does have a lot of patients and mostly illiterate and cranky ).
So Dr. needs to be followed up with same reason of no of patients to be seen being very large
Small information, TATA might be one of the only organizations which offers a complete free medical support to employee and his family. Check up costs to medicines prescribed all are paid and nothing special charged for it. Facility extended to retired employees staying in Jamshedpur too. For a special surgery expenses can be reimbursed if certified by TMH doctor. As usual there is queue for this system and hence most obvious outcome bribing for approvals faking is increasing.
But a good has to be complemented by Bad to create and motivate good in new generation.
It’s a cycle I feel and it’s up to us to choose which cycle you want to ride.
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