Child labor we all want to protest and no doubt will say ‘it should be stopped’
I was having dinner when a boy in early teens or just reaching teens was begging for some money as he was hungry and wanted to eat. Before he could reach me he was told by three other people
“ भीख क्या मांग रहे हो
जाके थोडा काम कर लो फिर खा लेना ”
I was observing while standing besides and could not understand what should I be doing if I was that boy or even if wanted to help him.
If I give him money and full feel his current need he will not realize the importance of it and/or may persist with begging. While on the other side if I make him work where he can or will work and will earn and will be able to eat from his earnings, I will be makig a child work breaching child labor laws and much more than that snatching his childhood from him.
What should I do or what should he (that boy ) do?